IMS2  Pre-Alpha
An Orbiter add-on to allow on-runtime construction of spacecraft from predefined modules
Todo List
Member FontsAndStyles::createFonts ()
replace this with a parser
Member FontsAndStyles::createStyles ()
Replace this with a parser
Class GUI_Surface
Derives from PanelElement, but how necessary that really is will be revealed when MFDs are implemented. It might be possible to discard that dependency.
Member IMS_Animation_Base::createScaleComponent (ANIMCOMPONENTDATA *comp, VECTOR3 modulelocalpos, MATRIX3 moduleorientation)
As there have been no scaling animations yet, this is untested!
Class IMS_Location
implement connection and pathfinding interface
Class IMS_Matrix< T >
figure out what this stuff does and document it.
Member IMS_Module::SetDockPortsToNull ()
with proper event handling, it might be possible to make this function private
Class TrackingAnimationStatusEvent
add current pointing vector of the animation to the information carried by this event