IMS2  Pre-Alpha
An Orbiter add-on to allow on-runtime construction of spacecraft from predefined modules
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CANIMATIONDEPENDENCYDefines a dependency for an animation
 CBLITDATAStruct to store information for blitting properties
 CBoundingBoxDefines a simple axis-aligned bounding box for a SimpleShape
 CCONSUMABLEDATAStruct used to store static properties of propellant types
 CEvent_BaseAbstract base class for events
 CAnimationEvent_BaseBase event for all animation related events. No intended to be used directly
 CAnimationFailedEventNotifies when an animation could not be started
 CAnimationFinishedEventNotifies that an animation has finished
 CAnimationStartedEventNotifies that an animation has been started
 CModifyAnimationEventNotifies an animation to change speed/direction
 CModifyTrackingAnimationEventEvent that signals a tracking animation that the target has been modified or it should change its speed/direction
 CSetAnimationStateEventSets the current state of an animation that is not currently running
 CStartAnimationEventNotifies an animation to start
 CTrackingAnimationStatusEventEvent that carries the current status of a tracking animation
 CCoGHasChangedEventThis event can be used to notify modules and module functions that the center of gravity on the vessel has been changed
 CConsumableAddedEventEvent signifying that content has been added to a storable
 CEvent_TimedThis is a base class for events that should fire after a set time interval in milliseconds instead of a framecount
 CShiftCGEventThis event serves to notify the vessel that something happened that requires it to shift its center of gravity
 CHullShapeRemovedEventNotifies that a hullshape has been removed from the vessels collision mesh
 CIMS_DockEventEvent that signifies a change in dockport status
 CLiftoffEventNotifies that the vessel has lifted off from a planetary surface
 CRcsChangedEventNotifies that the rcs layout has been changed
 CSimulationStartedEventOnly fired in the first pre-step of a vessels existance
 CTdPointsChangedEventNotifies that the touchdown points have changed and need to be reset in orbiter
 CToggleGearEventNotifies that a hullshape has been removed from the vessels collision mesh
 CTouchdownEventFired when the vessel touches down on a surface
 CVesselLayoutChangedEventFired whenever the integrated vessel structure has changed
 CVesselVisualCreatedEventNotifies that the vessel's visuals have been created
 CVesselVisualDestroyedEventNotifies that the vessel's visuals have been destroyed
 CEventHandlerEventHandler base class. All classes that implement eventhandling must inherit from this class
 CIMS_ModuleA physical component of a spacecraft that can be added or removed at runtime
 CIMS_ModuleFunction_BaseAbstract class that defines the API for module functionalities
 CIMS_ModuleFunction_ThrusterModulefunction that defines a basic thruster
 CIMS_MovableAbstract base class for objects capable of moving around between modules, such as storables and crew
 CEventNodeAbstract base class of a node in the event pipe tree from which EventGenerator and EventSink derive
 CEventGeneratorEventGenerators take on events, equip them with additional information about the sender, and process them according to their urgency
 CFiringSolutionCalculatorCalculates a new firing solution for Rcs thrusters in a new thread
 CFontsAndStylesSingleton that manages fonts and styles
 CGUI_BaseElementBase class of GUI elements. All GUI elements must derive from this class
 CGUI_RadioButtonRadioButtons are checkboxes that can be grouped together and make sure that only one member of the group is checked at any time
 CGUI_DynamicButtonDraws a button with definable text
 CGUI_ListBoxA box diplaying a scrollable list of text elements. Can be set up as just a list without selection, a select box or a multi-select box
 CGUI_PageA class that is an empty GUI element used to group children
 CGUI_ModuleFunction_BaseAbstract base class for the user interface of a module function
 CGUI_ModuleDefault module GUI element
 CGUI_StaticButtonA button with a static background from a texture surface
 CGUI_COLORStructure used to make operations involving rgb-colors less of a hassle
 CGUI_DrawThis class contains drawing functions for the GUI
 CGUI_ElementStyleDefines the appearance of a GUI_BaseElement or one of its subclasses
 CGUIentityAbstract class providing functionality to create and manage GUI elements
 CGUImanagerThe GUI manager is a GUIentity with enhanced functionality to embedd a GUI in an orbiter vessel
 CGUIpluginA GUIplugin is a GUIentity that can be a child of a GUI_BaseElement
 CGUIalertSpecial plugin to display a popup message with an ok prompt
 CHULLSHAPEDATAContains data to construct the hullshape as loaded from file
 CIMS_Animation_ContinuousImplementation of a continuous animation
 CIMS_Animation_SequentialA sequential animation has a clear begining and end and can move in both directions between them
 CIMS_Animation_TrackingAn animation that can track a specified target in two axes
 CIMS_Autopilot_KillrotSimple Killrot AP implementation. Override Orbiters stock killrot, which doesn't handle IMS vessels too well since it can't see the thrusters true capabilities
 CIMS_General_ModuleDataThis class contains non-orbiter specific static data about a module that is the same for every module
 CIMS_LocationAbstract class that provides an interface for handling movables
 CIMS_Matrix< T >Generalized matrix helper class useful for where the Orbiter API stops
 CIMS_ModuleFunctionData_BaseAbstract base class for storing generic static data of module functions loaded from a config file
 CIMS_ModuleFunctionData_AnimationDefines an arbitrary amount of animations as a module function
 CIMS_ModuleFunctionData_CommHolds static data to define a communications antena, satelite dish and similar
 CIMS_ModuleFunctionData_GearHolds static data to define a piece of landing gear
 CIMS_ModuleFunctionData_PressurisedHolds static data for a pressurised (read: habitable) volume in a module
 CIMS_ModuleFunctionData_TankStores the static data of a tank
 CIMS_ModuleFunctionData_ThrusterStores the static data of a basic thruster
 CIMS_ModuleFunctionData_RcsStores the static data of an Rcs thruster
 CIMS_Orbiter_ModuleDataThis class contains static orbiter related properties that are common to all modules
 CIMS_PropellantInjectorHandles the proliferation of propellant mixtures to thrusters
 CIMS_PropulsionManagerManages Storables available for propellant consumption (i.e. propellant tanks), as well as thrusters
 CIMS_RcsManagerManages and controls RCS thrusters
 CSHAPEDATAContains the data necessary to place the hullshape of a module into the overall hullshape of a vessel
 CSimplePathNodeThe simplest possible kind of pathing node
 CStateNodeA SimplePathNode representing a state in the statemachine
 CSimpleTreeNodeThe SimpleTreeNode is just what it says on the tin... a very simple node to form a tree structure
 CStyleSetA StyleSet is a collection of styles and in its entirety defines a skin
 CTDDATARemembers vertex and direction of currently existing landing gear points
 CTHRUSTEREXHAUSTDefines a thruster exhaust texture in orbiter
 CTHRUSTERMODEA thruster mode describes all propperties needed by a thruster